Sunday, January 30, 2005

Thanks Rich Gannon

Unverified reports say that Raider QB Rich Gannon will not receive medical clearance to play again and will be forced into retirement. If true, I would like to extend the greatest gratitude to this fine athlete and leader who helped restore the Greatness of the Raiders.

Forever the perfectionist, lifting the play of the team around him, the Raider Nation owes much to Rich Gannon. Gannon somehow is not mentioned with other QB greats, Lamonica, Stabler and Plunkett, but he will be remembered in history as their peer.

Of all his tremendous accomplishments, including multiple Probowls and '02 NFL MVP, I personally will remember his intolerance of defeat and the many shots of him cheering/coaching the team on in '04. The consummate team player, with a broken neck, he game planned, prepared as if he may be taking the field on Sunday, cheered on the cold snowy sidelines of Denver... Rich, your contributions to Raider football will be your legacy... Thanks Rich Gannon.

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